Connect HRMS offers organizations a system that evolves to meet changing business needs today and into the future. With a global and adaptable foundation, Connect HRMS is designed to address the challenges you face today and prepare your business for whatever the future brings.
Connect HRMS helps you prioritize security and privacy so you can support regulations and compliance. You also can set rules as per your company policy at organizational or sub unit level.Deploy faster with a predefined business process catalog, or allow your team to define its own. Monitor all process and transaction statuses with comprehensive audits.
Reports, dashboards, and scorecards are easy to configure, change, update, and publish. And because transactional and analytical data are in the same system, you can drill into data and take action on it from anywhere in Connect HRMS. Removing the separation between transactions and analytics means that you can manage your organization fluidly, in real time, and with full confidence in data integrity.
Connect HRMS let you access your team data using organization, cost center, unit , location or project. Rate each employee based on KPI’s, objective and tasks completed.