Remote working, a permanent practice?

August 24, 20200

remote work

Since the pandemic struck from the beginning of 2020, remote working is now being adopted at an unprecedented scale with more and more employers allowing their employees to work from home in order to keep social distancing and staying at a safe place.

However, the main question is that how will the employees feel when the pandemic will be over? And how will they put up to the pressure to work more flexibly?

So, with remote work in place and pressure to keep it there, how will it fare for your organization? And a more relevant question is how well the flexible workplace options will do for your organization.

Recent Remote Work Trends

Big companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Square are leading the remote work trends. While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed his intent to move more than 50% of his workforce to remote working.

If pre-COVID numbers as pulled up only 3.5% of people used to work remotely and it is expected to increase to 25% by 2021.

This means that two things will happen, first that, those employers who did not approve of remote work will have to think again as they will be against sheer competition from workers and companies adopting or normalizing remote work. Second, that it will be a benefit for those who want to work from home.

Is remote work always authentic?

Just because everyone is boarding the same train doesn’t mean you have to. You need to carefully analyze your situation, and pros and cons of remote work as well.

I have jotted down some possible reasons why remote work will be effective for you:

  • Greater Employee Satisfaction
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced attenuation
  • Lower overheads.

On the other hand there are some issues that you may face after enforcing remote work policy which are:

  • Reduced interaction with co-workers will affect problem solving.
  • Temperament issues since many employees won’t do well in isolated environments and will lose their efficacy.
  • Reduced collaboration won’t foster an environment where working is easy this will also affect the creativity of employees and it will be hard for them to thrive in such situations.

Making the right decision

No need to jump the gun right away, you need to carefully evaluate your situation and then make a calculated decision as to how you want the things to work. Do not enforce the remote work policy right away the better idea would be to test your remote work policy on a selected few, this will allow you to improve your policy and then scale it periodically.

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